Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dead Snow Review!

Once you get about five minutes into the Norwegian Slasher/Zombie Flick, Dead Snow, you realize you have already seen five other Slasher/Zombie Flicks. This is not such a bad thing because Dead Snow culls from just about all of the best parts of the Horror films it plays tribute to. As the college age, basically good looking, sexy students trudge up a snowy hill to a remote cabin for a Spring break holiday (already sound familiar?), the geeky film buff among them starts a conversation about all the horror films that start out with the basic premise that they find themselves in...among the films are Friday the 13th and Evil Dead 1&2. And you can find very intentional traces of all those films within Dead Snow...particularly Evil Dead. What you end up with is a very gory, pretty darn scary, and awful dang hilarious Zombie Flick.

As the good looking young people pair off gradually to do what good looking young people like do with one another, namely party, they discover from an old hiker wandering by that the area they are enjoying played host to a bunch of evil Nazis who had occupied Norway during the last few years of WWII. Driven up into the mountains by the furious populace that they were basically raping, killing, and robbing, the Nazis are never heard from again. After the old hiker leaves, the kids begin to hear from the Nazis big time....this time in flesh eatin', super strong, super fast Zombie mode! The kids arm themselves with axes, chain saws, and even mount a WWII era machine gun to a snowmobile to combat the Nazi Zombie scourge.

A fun game to play while watching this film might be Spot All The Horror Film In-Jokes, because bits and pieces of many slasher and zombie horror films pop out at different times. The one liners and visual gags reminded me fondly of the second Evil Dead film with people cutting off limbs that have been zombie-bit and body parts of evil zombies flying everywhere. Dead Snow with all it's funny moments still takes time to scare the pants off you and inspire some lights being turned on and the scenery actually steals the show....breathtaking mountain and forest scenes that looked as if they were filmed on location in Norway. It would be a skier's paradise if it were not for all the Nazi Zombies out for lunch all the time.

Let the normal viewer beware and gore hounds take notice....Dead Snow is bloody gore piled upon bloody gore with particular attention given to the large intestines. But all of this simply serves the absurdity of it all. While not particularly original, Dead Snow still has a lot of fun with all the stuff it rips off!

TH Reviews rating of Dead Snow: 3.5 stars out of 5 stars!

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